Vendor:Dr. Althea
Dr.Althea 维他命C 增强精华液 30ml
焕亮保湿,打造光采肌肤 Dr. Althea维生素C焕亮精华是一款低敏、纯素友好的精华液,旨在提亮肤色并焕活肌肤。其独特的配方含有20%的维生素增强复合物,结合九种维生素和沙棘果提取物,提供高浓度的维生素C,有效改善肤色,减少暗斑和瑕疵。 产品特点: 20%维生素增强复合物:由九种维生素和沙棘果提取物组成的强效混合物,维生素C含量超过柠檬的三倍,有助于提亮肤色,均匀肤色。 美白成分:含有45,000ppm的3-O-乙基抗坏血酸、D-泛醇和烟酰胺,可抑制黑色素生成,改善色素沉着和瑕疵。 深层保湿:富含八种透明质酸,提供清爽的保湿效果,增强肌肤弹性并防止皱纹产生。 舒缓抗老:添加生育酚和尿囊素,舒缓肌肤,促进胶原蛋白生成,支持细胞再生,减少细纹和皱纹。 使用方法: 在清洁和使用爽肤水后,取适量精华液均匀涂抹于面部。 轻轻拍打以促进吸收。 若在白天使用,请后续涂抹防晒霜以保护肌肤。- $38.00
- $38.00
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Vendor:Dr. Althea
Dr.Althea 147屏障修护面霜50ml
强化和保湿,打造富有弹性、容光焕发的肌肤。 Dr. Althea 147 屏障霜是一款滋养保湿霜,旨在增强皮肤的天然屏障,提供深层保湿和保护。富含从洋甘菊花中提取的甘菊环,可舒缓刺激并镇静敏感肌肤。该面霜的配方含有神经酰胺和七层透明质酸复合物,可确保持久保湿和丰盈健康的肤色。 产品特点: 甘菊环:舒缓和镇静受刺激的皮肤,减少发红和敏感。 神经酰胺:增强皮肤屏障,增强保湿性并抵御环境压力。 七层透明质酸复合物:为多个皮肤层提供深层、持久的保湿。 天然提取物:添加鳄梨果提取物和牡丹根提取物,滋养和镇静肌肤。 如何使用: 作为护肤程序的最后一步,取适量本品轻轻拍打至肌肤,以确保充分吸收。早晚使用以获得最佳效果。- $39.00
- $39.00
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Kousaido Hanga Incense sticks #Matsu
A Refreshing Evergreen Scent with a Touch of Elegance The Kousaido Hanga Matsu Incense Sticks feature a fragrance inspired by the crisp, calming aroma of evergreen pine. This unique blend of sandalwood, pine, and rose creates a soothing and refreshing atmosphere, ideal for relaxation, focus,...- $22.00
- $22.00
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Kousaido Hanga Incense sticks #Namiusagi
A Soothing Marine Fragrance with Hints of Lavender The Kousaido Incense Sticks #Namiusagi bring a refreshing, ocean-inspired scent to your space. This marine-based fragrance is delicately blended with lavender and other natural ingredients, evoking the serenity of the sea. Perfect for relaxation, meditation, or...- $22.00
- $22.00
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Kousaido Hanga Incense sticks #Take
A Refreshing Bamboo Scent with a Citrus Twist The Kousaido Incense Sticks # Take offer a refreshing and calming aroma inspired by the tranquility of bamboo forests. Crafted in Kyoto, Japan, these incense sticks blend natural ingredients to create a soothing atmosphere, perfect for meditation, relaxation,...- $22.00
- $22.00
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Romand Juicy Lasting Tint
Vivid, Long-Lasting Color with a Glossy Finish The Romand Juicy Lasting Tint offers a lightweight, hydrating tint with vibrant colors and a glossy finish that lasts throughout the day. This fan-favorite lip product provides intense pigmentation while keeping your lips comfortable and moisturized. Available...- $16.00
- $16.00
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心愿先生动物系列免胶假睫毛 36簇
轻松佩戴,打造迷人双眸 MR.WISH无胶动物系列假睫毛专为简便佩戴设计,打造自然迷人的妆效。这款无胶假睫毛无需使用胶水即可轻松贴合,增强眼部魅力。 产品特点: 无胶佩戴:无需胶水,只需轻按睫毛根部,即可牢固固定。 自然效果:模仿真实睫毛的外观,适合日常使用。 可重复使用:采用耐用材质,经过适当护理可多次使用。 使用方法: 将假睫毛与自身睫毛根部对齐。 从中心轻轻按压向两侧固定睫毛。 根据需要调整位置,以达到舒适与理想妆效- $22.00
- $22.00
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Skybottle x Uminnuu Perfume Hand Cream 50ml
Hydration with Captivating Scents The Skybottle x Uminnuu Perfume Hand Cream is a collaborative creation that combines effective moisturization with enchanting fragrances. Enriched with nourishing ingredients like shea butter and hyaluronic acid, this hand cream ensures your hands remain soft and hydrated without any greasy...- $24.00
- $24.00
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Bio Heal BOH 3D提拉紧致面膜
紧致、提拉、塑形,打造年轻外观 BIOHEAL BOH 3D 提升全脸张力凝胶面膜是一款水凝胶面膜,旨在改善皮肤弹性、深层补水并提供提升效果。这款面膜富含 20 肽复合物和 PDRN(多聚脱氧核糖核苷酸),可塑造轮廓并紧致肌肤,打造轮廓分明的年轻外观。 产品特点: 3D 提拉和塑形:针对下颌线和脸颊等下垂区域,打造轮廓分明、紧致的外观。 水凝胶配方:紧密贴合皮肤,确保活性成分的最大吸收。 滋养成分:包括 PDRN 和肽,可增强弹性、胶原蛋白生成和水合作用。 如何使用: 洁面和爽肤后,将面膜均匀地敷在脸上,使其与面部轮廓对齐。 保留10至20分钟。 取下面膜,将剩余的精华轻轻拍入肌肤。- From $8.00
- From $8.00
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Vendor:H201 Shift
H201 Shift Capsule Shower Starter Kit
Transform Your Shower with Aromatherapy and Advanced Filtration. The H201 Shift Capsule Shower Starter Kit elevates your shower experience by combining the relaxing benefits of aromatherapy with high-performance water filtration. Designed to purify water and infuse it with essential vitamins and soothing fragrances, this...- $109.00
- $109.00
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Anua 烟酰胺 10% + TXA 4% 精华液 30ml
淡化暗斑,焕亮保湿 Anua 10%烟酰胺+4%传明酸精华液专为改善色素沉着、暗斑和肤色不均设计。其高浓度配方包含10%烟酰胺和4%传明酸,有效减少色斑,均匀肤色,提升肌肤透明度。此外,2%熊果苷增强肌肤亮泽,透明质酸和植物精油提供舒缓保湿效果,清爽不粘腻,适合敏感肌和混合性肌肤。 主要功效: 提亮并淡化暗斑:烟酰胺与传明酸的强效组合可显著淡化暗斑、痘印和色素沉着。 提升光泽:熊果苷促进均匀肤色,维生素B为肌肤增添自然粉润光泽。 保湿轻盈:富含透明质酸,提供轻盈水润保湿,适合多层次护肤。 温和适合敏感肌:不油腻的质地适合所有肤质,尤其是容易敏感的肌肤。 使用方法: 在清洁后,将几滴精华涂抹于需要护理的区域或全脸。轻拍至吸收。每天早晚使用,白天需搭配SPF 30+防晒霜保护效果- $36.00
- $36.00
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Mixsoon 大豆精华液50ml
保湿、温和去角质与焕亮肌肤三合一 Mixsoon 大豆精华液结合保湿、温和去角质和抗氧化保护于一体,质地轻盈。其配方富含大豆提取物、大麦、石榴和韩国梨等发酵成分,有效焕活肌肤,提升通透感和光滑度。 产品特点: 保湿与去角质:石榴中的天然AHA提供温和去角质,同时大豆和韩国梨为肌肤补水并修护屏障。 改善肤质与亮泽:发酵大麦和石榴提取物优化肌肤质感,增强自然光泽。 富含抗氧化成分:韩国梨提供抗氧化保护,有助于减少暗沉,均匀肤色。 纯素且无香料:不含人工香料、酒精及动物成分,敏感肌也适用。 使用方法: 日常精华:洁面并使用爽肤水后,取适量涂抹于面部,轻拍至吸收。 去角质护理:每周2-3次,取适量以打圈方式涂抹,之后清洗或擦拭干净,肌肤焕然一新。- $36.00
- $36.00
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Mixsoon 大豆卸妆油 195ml
植物精华滋养,温和深层清洁 MIXSOON 大豆卸妆油专为深层但温和的清洁而设计,能有效卸除彩妆、防晒和日常污垢,同时滋养肌肤。富含天然植物油,如大豆油、橄榄油、荷荷巴油和葡萄籽油,这款卸妆油提供丰富的保湿和必要营养,令肌肤在每次清洗后柔软光滑、焕然一新。 产品特点: 深层清洁与卸妆:能有效溶解彩妆(包括防水配方)和杂质,令肌肤洁净光滑。 保湿与平衡:多种植物油提供必要水分,维持肌肤天然水油平衡,防止干燥。 舒缓滋养:对敏感肌友好,富含维生素E等植物成分,具有抗炎和抗氧化功效。 温和无刺激:适用于所有肤质,包括敏感肌,深层清洁的同时不会引起刺激。 使用方法: 取2-3泵产品于干手中,轻轻按摩于干燥的面部。加入少量清水乳化,再次按摩后彻底冲洗干净。- $32.00
- $32.00
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BIOHEAL BOH Panthecell Repair Cica Cream Mist 120ml
Instant Hydration and Soothing Care for Sensitive Skin. The BIOHEAL BOH Panthecell Repair Cica Cream Mist delivers powerful hydration and repair benefits, specially formulated for sensitive or irritated skin. Its unique blend of 57.1% Centella Asiatica extract provides a calming effect, while 10% Panthenol...- $22.00
- $22.00
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Vendor:Dr. Althea
Dr. Althea 345 Relief Cream 50ml
Target Blemishes, Hydrate, and Soothe. The Dr. Althea 345 Relief Cream is a lightweight, soothing, and hydrating cream designed to treat post-acne marks, calm irritation, and enhance overall skin texture. Its formula features a blend of Niacinamide, Panthenol, and Centella Asiatica Extract, all of...- $39.00
- $39.00
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BIODANCE Collagen Gel Toner Pads 60 Pads
Boost Hydration and Firmness with Every Swipe The BIODANCE Collagen Gel Toner Pads are designed to deliver deep hydration and improve skin elasticity with every use. These pads are soaked in a powerful formula containing low molecular weight collagen and hydrating ingredients to penetrate...- $35.00
- $35.00
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ilso Super Melting Serum Softener 150ml
Effective Sebum Control The ILSO Super Melting Serum Softener is a specialized pore-cleansing solution designed to gently dissolve and remove excess sebum, blackheads, and impurities. Its unique formula acts like a softening agent, making it easier to clear out clogged pores without the need...- From $36.00
- From $36.00
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Medicube Deep Vita C Pad 70pcs
Brighten, Exfoliate, and Renew Your Skin. Medicube Deep Vita C Pad is a brightening and exfoliating toner pad designed to address uneven skin tone, dark spots, and post-acne marks. With a blend of Vitamin C, Niacinamide, and Sea Buckthorn Extract, these dual-textured pads offer...- $39.00
- $39.00
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Vendor:Round Lab
Round Lab 1025 Dokdo Toner 200ml
Hydrate and Soothe with Nature's Best The Round Lab 1025 Dokdo Toner is one of Korea's top-rated toners, known for its soothing and hydrating properties, especially suited for sensitive and oily skin. Infused with deep sea water from Ulleungdo Island, this toner delivers essential...- $22.00
- $22.00
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Vendor:Round Lab
Round Lab 1025 Dokdo Cleanser 150ml
Hydrate and Soothe with Every Wash. The Round Lab 1025 Dokdo Cleanser is formulated with mineral-rich deep sea water from Ulleungdo Island, which is packed with 74 types of natural minerals to help maintain skin's moisture balance. The slightly acidic formula (pH 5.0-6.0) ensures...- $19.00
- $19.00
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