SHONAN Beauty Eyelash Serum
SHONAN Beauty Eyelash Serum
SHONAN Beauty Eyelash Serum
SHONAN Beauty Eyelash Serum

SHONAN Beauty Eyelash Serum

 🍑Introduction🍑 Formulated with 12 carefully selected eyelash serum ingredients. Because it is oil free, it can be...
Vendor: SHONAN Beauty
Availability: Out Of Stock
Product Type: eyelash serum
Subtotal: $45.00


Formulated with 12 carefully selected eyelash serum ingredients. Because it is oil free, it can be used by Matsueq Perma and is a 24-hour formula that can be used on mascara bases. The special shape of the brush tip allows the serum to be delivered to your eyelashes. 


  • Mineral formula contains 99% of the serum ingredient
  • All ingredients "water" are made from deep marine water
  • 24-hour formula that can be used for mascara bases
  • Oil-free and can be used by Matsueq Perm
  • The special tip allows the serum to reach eyelashes (can also be used for eyelashes)


 🍑How To Use🍑

2 times a day 





Point1 忖度なしの辛口評価雑誌 LDK the Beautyでまつげ美容液カテゴリー第1位&Bestbuyコスメに選ばれた品質


Point2 湘南美容厳選の12種類の天然成分配合!

水、 BG、ペンチレングリコール グリセリン※1、オタネニンジン根エキス、ビオチノイルトリペプチドー1※1パンテノール※1、加水分解シルク、加水分解コラーゲン加水分解ケラチン(羊毛)※5、デキストラン、アセチルテトラペプチド−3※2、アカツメクサ花エキス※2、ヒアルロン酸Na※6、水溶性コラーゲン、アセチルヒアルロン酸、加水分解ヒアルロン酸、オリゴペプチド−41※4、ユズ果実エキス、カンゾウ葉エキス、クラドシホンノバエカレドニアエ多糖体、ローヤルゼリーエキス、カミツレ花エキス、ポリソルベート80、白金、ピロリジニルジアミノピリミジンオキシド、クエン酸Na、クエン酸、カルボマー、フェノキシエタノール、水酸化K

Point3 太くてやわらかい塗りやすさMAXのアプリケーター

だから!効果※も!コスパも!大満足のまつ毛美容液なんです ※まつ毛のハリ・コシへの効果
LDK the Beauty 第1位&Bestbuyの本格派まつげ美容液

辛口コスメ評価雑誌での最高評価LDK the Beauty 第1位のまつ毛美容液を是非、お試しください。

即出荷可能! 現在、在庫が品薄となっております LDK the Beautyでの1位受賞後大変好評をいただいており、在庫の品薄状態が続いております。もし欠品した場合、次回入荷までの時期が未定となる場合がございます。お早めのご購入 と 複数個のまとめ買い をおすすめいたします。
Water, BG, Bylene glycol, Glycerin, Panax ginseng root extract, Biotinoyl tripeptide-1, Panthenol, Hydrolyzed silk, Hydrolyzed collagen, Hydrolyzed keratin (wool), Text column, Acetyl tetrapeptide-3, Red clover Flower extract, sodium hyaluronic acid, water-soluble collagen, acetyl hyaluronic acid, hydrolyzed hyaluronic acid, oligopeptide-41, citrus fruit extract, licorice leaf extract, cladocillon fly caledoniae polysaccharide, royal jelly extract, chamomile flower extract, polysorbate 80 , Platinum, pyrodinyldiaminopyridine oxide, sodium citrate, citric acid, carbomer, phenoxyethanol, hydroxylated K

Customer Reviews

Based on 13 reviews
Caroline Ballard

Use it twice a day for about 1 weeks now looking forward to seeing the my leshes to grow longer.

Dana B

The tip makes it easy to apply, and easy to apply the essence to every eyelashes. Unlike onther surm that I used before, this one didn't notice any pigmentation so far.

Inugami Miya

Really did not believe in this serum but I been proven wrong my lashes is much longer just need patience to see the real difference
Thank you

Josie Carroll

Know this product from LDK. I use it everyday for three months now, didnt see much after the first months but suddenly feel my leashes bcome more fluffy, lengthened after two months.

Weiguo Bi

It works and I use it on my eyebrows also.

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